News and Notice

Latest Retail Price

Latest Retail Price

From 5 July 2024, 17:00

The Latest Listed Prices of automotive gasoline and diesel* are:

Listed Price
Futuro Premium 26.68
VitaGold Unleaded 25.49
Pepa Diesel 24.45

*The above Listed Prices may vary according to the specific station’s promotional activities without any notice.

News and Announcement

View your Bonus Point Balance

You can view your PetroChina Discount Card bonus point balance simply through our website or app, all you need to do is to activate your account first.
Account activation steps:
  1. Go to PetroChina Hong Kong website, click “Member Zone” to access to the “Member Login” page.
  2. Select the “Discount Card” tab.
  3. Input account number and password (Note: Default password is your registered mobile phone number), press “Submit” button to access to the “Activate Account” page.
  4. In the “Activate Account” page, input email address, press “Activate Account”, an activation email will be sent to your registered email address.
  5. When you receive the activation email, click the hyperlink to login the “Member Zone”! (for safety reason, please change default password after login).
After activation, you can view your bonus point balance and last 10 transactions.
You can also check your bonus point balance by calling our customer service hotline, 2527 8500, and do following steps:
1. Dial 2527 8500,
2. Press  "2" -> "5" -> "2",
3. Input 11 digits of your Gasoline Discount Card number,
4. Input your registered mobile phone number, press "#".
Please kindly note that bonus point are valid until 30 NOVEMBER. Expired Bonus Points will be automatically forfeited.
If you have any queries, please contact our customer service office by 2527 8500 during office hours.